
Conner was asleep on the couch in a cabin deep in the woods. He rolled over and moaned at the same time and fell off the couch. He yelped and jumped up, looking around. He dusted himself off and stretched. Looking around once more, he began to walk towards the door. When he opened a door, another wolf stood there. It was anthro like Conner was. He had light reddish brown hair, dark brown fur, blue eyes with the background yellow, light and dark blue chest armor, and dark blue pants with yellow strips and red pockets. He smiled at Conner
"Hello Conner, i'm looking for your grandpa" Conner tilted his head
"Who are you, how do you know who i am, and why do you want him?" The wolf laughed and shook his head
"My name is Sora, i know you because your grandpa spoke of you often, and he is an old friend of mine" Conner laughed
"Pfft, you do realize hes a pure dick, right?" Sora tilted his head as well
"What do you mean?" Conner pulled Sora inside and slammed the door shut. He turned to face Sora
"Kane has become evil, not sure how, but he has been out to get me for hundreds of years.." Sora looked up
"Has it been that long since i was here..?" He then looked back at Conner
"We need to find him.." Conner shook his head
"Hell no! I ain't dying again.." Sora tilted his head once more
"What do you mean?" Conner sighed
"When i die, my body turns to ash, and then a new born me is formed out of the ash.. At least that's what everyone says.." Sora tilted his head the other way
"You get reborn?" Conner nods "Ah, ok.. We still need to find him.. If he became a Heartless, i can easily fix it" He stuck his right handpaw out and suddenly a key-looking weapon appeared. It had a gold square-like handle, and a silver blade. Conner gasped
"You have one too!?" Sora tilted his head, once more.
"What do you mean?" Conner stuck his right handpaw out and a wolfish looking sword appeared in his hands. A wolf head was the tip and the body was a wolf's body. Sora smiled.
"Fellow wielder i see" Conner nodded. Sora smiled wider, showing his fangs
"Heh Heh, Perfect"

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